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Questo è il regno di Stefania, in cui si svolgono corsi ed eventi.

Love & Care

Things made with the heart are immediately recognizable: they transmit warmth and joy in those who live and receive them. I love taking care of the people I love, who I host and who share a piece of their journey with me. In all my activities, this has always been my hallmark: making people feel good.


I love the details and I like my guests to be pampered by small discreet and kind attentions that help them to feel important in a simple and familiar atmosphere.


Listening, for me, is fundamental: it’s the only way I can build a truly customized project. I do not propose my solution, but I will help you come up with yours.

Il trattamento Reiki

Studio/atelier di 60 mq
- Su richiesta per corsi di  formazione

- Sala per Yoga, Pilates (privati o di gruppo)
- Sala meditativa o di lettura
- Sala per piccoli eventi culturali (es. mostre)
- Sala per meeting aziendali e riunioni 


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